Not much for alternative medicine here



The biography jar offered up the following topic: Tell about home cures or old wives’ tales for curing hiccups, warts, toothaches, colds, earaches, birth control, arthritis, etc.

Ummm… The jar strikes again. What kind of a silly topic is this? We don’t have many such cures here. I suppose I could record a few:

Professional development meetings can be cured by massages that last at least one hour.

There are no cures for colds. Drambuie may nevertheless seem medicinal. Saline nose spray never hurts.

No one should ever try any old wive’s tale for birth control. The best cure for curing birth control — if you want to read the sentence above literally — will be pregnancy although menopause serves equally well.

Directly applying Selsun Blue to a fungal infection caught from a cat will cure the infection after doctors have failed you. I remember this one from my twenties. I did not want to pay for a culture so my mom suggested the Selsun Blue plan first. I will recommend this unusual home cure. It saved me a lot of money. You end up with red, irritated skin for about a week but eventually that passes and you are cured.

Need a home cure for anxiety? Meditation alleviates anxiety. So does hypnosis. Spirit animals and animal manifestions of your inner child can also prove useful.

Readers: What does your inner child look like? The toddler-you has a great deal of wisdom. She/he knows when you are doing things that are not fun, for example. The toddler-you will naturally steer you away from tedious obligations and toward hot fudge sundaes. If you think life is not enough fun lately, you might try visualizing the toddler-you. Find yourself and have a conversation.

You don’t need to listen. If she says, “Quit that job now!” you might want to reason with her.  But older is not necessarily smarter. Wisdom can be learned. Wisdom can also be forgotten.

Readers: Do you have home cures? What are they? Feel free to journal on this topic.

Having merged the blogs, I will make one zombie observation: That idea where you cover yourself in zombie blood to avoid attracting the zombies? Ummmm, do the words “blood-borne virus” sound any of the cymbals in your cortex?

For zombie fluids management, I offer one word: Bleach.

Or even better, as mommy used to say, “Don’t touch!”

Greetings Earthlings!

Welcome, readers. has existed to tell my views and life story, complete with zombies. I merged a zombie blog into a biography blog and created… ummm, I’m not sure what. But I renewed the blog anyway. Enjoy.

Reader’s Magnet has accidentally linked to this blog, rather than my education blog. If you are interested in general education topics and my life experiences as a teacher, try, now over 10 years old. It’s nowhere near reaching influencer status, but it does have almost 20,000 users, many of whom I suspect of being real humans and not bots. 

Should you wish to order my book on the deteriorating state of US education, type “Fighting the White Knight Jocelyn Turner” into a search engine. It’s available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other sites. Prices vary so it’s worth shopping a bit. I am excited that “Fighting the White Knight” was exhibited at the 2023 San Diego Union-Tribune Festival of Books and the 2023 Printers Row Lit Fest in Chicago!

More information is available at — including my email and various social media links.

Why order my book? It’s honest. I don’t pretend we can fix education by improving pedagogy. Reader, are you tired of clueless pundits pushing cheap, simple solutions to expensive, complex problems? Me too!

In fact, I’m exhausted.

Zombie phrase for the day: Good intentions are killing us.

Gooooduddehhnchuhhns ahhhr gihwinguzzz.

What’s in this blog? Zombie phrases for 2023 (same as last year and years before that), random life coaching advice of a sometimes dubious nature, along with stories about invisible slugs and carpet purchases. Go back far enough and you will find tips on how to survive Z Day. Some teaching experiences have managed to bleed into biographyjar, but I have tried to keep work and fantasy/personal life separate.


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