I think I will plant grass in the living room

I hate rugs. I hate big rugs, little rugs, rugs that match Pepto-Bismol pink and rugs that don’t match Pepto-Bismol pink. I prefer short pile to the still mysteriously available shag — I mean why not just inhale from the vacuum cleaner bag if you like dust that much? — and I prefer new looking rugs to “vintage” or “distressed” rugs that look as if twenty years of feet have already stomped over their sad surfaces. Did distressed jeans and jean jackets unleash this silly trend? I don’t know but I would like my rug to start brand new. We don’t buy pre-rusted cars.

Except it’s not my rug. It’s my dad’s rug, a rug that is supposed to cover the old carpets which admittedly need replacement. They looked brighter and less threadbare fifty years ago :-). If the three rugs in question were only equally distressed maybe we could pass them off as a modern attempt at pre-aged carpets. But the dining room has taken the brunt of the damage.

So I am on a quest for rugs. But they seem to come in the weirdest dimensions. I want to cover a simple 9 x 12, and I could use two 8 x 10s. What maniac in the marketing department decided 12′ 2″ x 9′ 7″ was a good plan? No wonder some of these slabs of cloth have made their way to Overstock.com and the like. Why is the “traditional oriental medallion design” 7’10” x 10’2″? I guess that’s kinda-sorta 8 x 10. It would do if I could find a larger counterpart. Papa had matching rugs before and he wants matching rugs now. I want to make him happy.

I priced making rugs of the right size rather than finding them premade. That did not make him happy. Multiple people have been measuring floors and walls since then. Vents and fireplaces complicate life. I just keep exploring websites.

Tonight when I talk to dad I think I’ll discuss the grass plan. Not only will he have more oxygen, he can be in the front of a whole new environmental movement. I hope he laughs. I could use a laugh right now.

Scotty, please beam down new linoleum. The whole problem stems from the fact that fifty-year-exposed linoleum is a radically different color than fifty-year-covered linoleum. But he does not want to replace the entirely functional vinyl/linoleum/whatever-indestructible-material-that-stuff-is. He just wants new rugs.

No linoleum, Scotty? Then please beam me up. I need a vacation. I don’t care if you put me down on the Klingon homeworld of Kronos. Just so long as Kronos has no Home Depot, Amazon, Wayfair, Overstock, rugs-direct, rugsusa.com, bedbathbeyond.com, rugsblah.com, blah, blah, blah…

P.S. And in one of those great ironies of our time, my computer now works pictures of random rugs into almost any search I do.

I’ll take a turquoise Edsel please

From a Facebook post:

First job – Waitress at Goodenough’s Ice Cream Parlor in the Tacoma Mall
Current job – Retired! Though I have been known to sub and tutor a bit…
Favorite food – Right now chilaquiles and BLTs
Favorite dog – Ginger the Wheaten Terrier
Favorite footwear – Birkenstocks
Favorite Candy – Toffee and combinations of chocolate, nut and caramel
Favorite Ice Cream – Graeter’s Brown Butter Bourbon Pecan
Your Vehicle color – Turquoise. I object to all this vehicular neutrality.
Favorite Holiday – Christmas
Night owl or early bird – Varies
Favorite day of the week- The one when I get the most sleep
Tattoos – Never seem to get around to it
Like to cook – In tiny spurts, especially dessert and chilaquiles
Can you drive a stick shift – It’s been so long I am not sure.
Favorite color – Purple with some shades of blue in close competition
Do you like vegetables – As long as I don’t have to spend much time chopping and preparing them, yes
Do you wear glasses – Since I was a mere sprite of thirteen although I do not technically need them to drive
Favorite season – Fall

Zombie phrase for the day: The Burger King Impossible Burger is a fraud! Duuhhh boohhhgoohh ghheeee bahduhhbuhh buhhhguhhhzzz vvwahhh!

Small marketing note: I go to Burger King, decide the Impossible Burger looks like a bit more money than I choose to spend, and ask for a veggie burger. They are out. This leads to the purchase of a tasty Jr. Whopper with cheese. The Impossible burger got me to turn left into Burger King, though.

Larger note: Cars today are boring. Why did we all sign off on these neutral-colored boxes? Whether obnoxiously long or not, the modern vehicle simply lacks pizzazz.

Sitting in a folding chair by the bleachers

Bored Young Girl Missing Gym

Broken young humans
Wear boots and casts to walk —
Humans break easy.

End November 2017

Ms. Turner sitting
Calf and thigh! And foot of course.
My foot broke itself!

Biojar Tip: You think you can probably make the jump? Don’t try until the zombie hordes are running right alongside you. That failed probably can last for weeks or even longer. Boredom’s bad and pain is worse.

Zombie phrase for the day: I miss pedicures. Ahhhh biihhhzzz behhhddihhhgyurrrhhh.


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