As we story and journey, sometimes it’s good to just gobblefunk a little with words.
Reader, maybe make a list of words that capture how you feel right now. I’ll start:
I feel like an armadillo (got to get across the road but somehow that sense of urgency is just not there…)
a message in a bottle bobbing down the the time stream
weary pilgrim, tired of lifting my heavy staff
slug giving virtual hugs and advice to overly complicated vertebrates
ent staring up into the rushing waters
astronaut mouse tethered a tiny spaceship staring at billions of stars
magnifying glass watching the sun turn paper below me into a soft shade of brown
cork-stopped jar etched with a fairy whose lantern is waiting for a match
thin voice dissipating in an expanding political void
secret dancer straining to hear the music, making up new lyrics as she goes.