In a Race You Can’t Win, Slow It Down

Obese Time, filled with to-dos

Eats up its own children,

the fleeting minutes escaping

into the too-much landscape

littered with lists

real or imagined

written or implicit.

On lucky days

Time slips

out of sight and mind

where lists can’t follow.


Zombie phrase for the day: I think I lost my list.

Ahhhhhhddiihhhhgggh ahh baahhhddd bahhh ihhdd.

More Random Haiku with Thoughts

My begonia

In critical condition

Drooping, wilts, crumples.

She was hardy in her youth and grew much bigger than this. What is the lesson, if any? Water the begonias! But don’t overwater the begonias! In the end, though, whatever you do, sometimes the begonias will simply decide it’s time to go.

A poinsettia dominates that window space now. I am the poinsettia whisperer. My last one lived nearly ten years, a gift from the Friends of Something or Another who helped out in the North Chicago schools.


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