The Delete Button Is Your Friend

An app here, an app there, and pretty soon our phone screens become a crazy mess of strange, tiny symbols, clutter we cannot even recognize sometimes. What is that italicized Z or off-center popsicle inside the purple square with the rounded corners? Zedge, it says. I look up Zedge. It’s a wallpaper app. But I create my own wallpaper, using personal pics. Yummly tells me it has a new privacy policy — pages and pages of a new privacy policy, written in 2024 legalese. I solve Yummly quickly, holding my finger on the screen until wobbly minus buttons appear. Bam! I don’t have to read a word. Wemo says I’ll need to create a Wemo account soon. No, I think, you are not the boss of me, Wemo. Medium wants to tell me how to know if I am really in love. At this age, if I can’t figure that out for myself, Medium will not save me.

Delete, delete, delete.

It’s easier to see what lurks in the forest when excess trees are removed. Maybe this is the day to scrutinize your colorful screen? Group the apps more efficiently, if nothing else? Phones have become the rooms some of us almost never take time to clean.

Is today a good phone cleaning day?

Zombie Phrase for the Day: It’s hard to tap with missing fingers.

Izzzzarrrddh doo dapp bi bibbing binguhhhzzz.

About Jocelyn the Plaid

Seasoned. Jaded. A fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, the Marvel universe, and science fiction and fantasy generally. Zombies anyone? This blog contains bits of my history, thoughts and inspirations that struck me along the way, and zombie preparedness, along with zombie phrases for the day. Lots of random musing.

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