Scathingly Brilliant Idea for Martian Colonies

Where are our Martian colonies? Where are the hardy settlers setting up shiny, silver domes and trundling across the sandy, red landscape in their special Marsmobiles? Where are the potatoes, carrots, squashes, turnips, and tomatoes grown in recycled air by brave men and women, a few of whom no doubt will be ready to kill for Whopper® or Dove® bar as the months unfold?

We are easily a quarter-century overdue at planting the flag on Mars.

But events may finally be working in favor of visionaries and would-be space travelers. What has blocked our colonies? A number of factors are in play, of course, but one major roadblock has been the alleged high expenses required to create and maintain those colonies.  The U.S. cannot afford such pricy ventures, we are told.

But that was before the POTUS!! I admit he seems to have bogged down a bit over the Mexican wall, and he has not yet convinced the South Koreans to pay for his missile defense system (or whatever he was talking about) but his concept seems sound. We get other people to  pay for what we want.  Who can disagree with such a convenient solution to economic reality?

I say, make the Koreans pay for the Martian Colonies. Make the Mexicans. And while we are at it, let’s coopt the Chinese, Russians and a few larger economies.  We will need a few big players to make my plan work. These colonies won’t come cheap and we can’t just take floo powder to Diagon Alley to get the supplies we need. (A few readers are suspecting I snorted the floo powder right now Image result for free upside down smiley face icon).

But we have a big world filled with economies that are wasting their resources on day-to-day living while our Martian colonies await us. Why should we let trivial concerns such as national sovereignty stop progress? We have the POTUS!

The POTUS is bold. He is not afraid to stand up for his convictions. Frankly, he does not seem to be afraid of anybody. And he has shown he is not afraid to act.

Readers, I suggest we all Tweet the POTUS to get the Martian Colonies project off the ground.

P.S. Please share today’s biographyjar entry with friends, family and other concerned sentient creatures. My dog Ginger fully supports my plan for example, although she remains unwilling to ride a rocket.  We will probably need many thousands of Tweets to get our agenda to the forefront.

Zombie phrase for the day:  It’s a cookbook!

Ihhzzzuhhh ooogghhhhooohhhgg.

Laser Beams or Light Sabers!

How about a border planter box?

In the background, Albert is listening to the news. I’m not sure why he wants to do this, but a small group of well-dressed pundits are debating problems with the border wall. How will we pay for the wall? We are beginning to have doubts about our Mexican benefactors, I fear. We are beginning to realize that fences are damn expensive. Even a white picket fence would pick lots of voters’ pockets. Peter Piper picked a peck of pissed-off Hispanic expatriates…

I say forget the wall. We’ll put in laser beams. We can put Skynet in charge. We’ll build an army of cyborgs to manage the beams and arm them with additional light sabers. Nobody will get through. Nobody will dare challenge our cyberwall.

Everybody will be afraid to get near the United States. Or northern Mexico. Or Arizona.  Or New Mexico. The Texans have cajones and I think they will manage to hold their ground, maybe even finally fly their own flag again. Under my plan we should be able to shift a great deal of the far southern population to the North, while solving the Southern border problem once and for all.

Shall I tweet the POTUS? My plan’s as good as his plan right now. Better, except for the fact that Skynet is a fictional corporation. But as he himself would agree — there’s a lot of fiction floating around out there.

Zombie Phrase for the Day:  Where is the Play-Doh?

Weehhhrrrzzzz uhhh baayyyy-dohhh? (Note that those without lips will not be able to include the “b” sound. )

Walgreen Wackiness

A sign that this country’s educational system needs some serious work:

The phone menu cannot understand me, so the software passes me to a human at Walgreens. She sounds friendly, if a bit confused.  She does not have an accent. I explain my mission, starting with do we have medications ready to pick up. She is struggling to discover whether or not my husband has prescriptions in the bins. She wants to know his birthdate, then says, no, his address. She decides she needs both. I have no problem with this. I wonder if she is new.

We ended the conversation when she tried to put his name into the computer and asked, “Is that Turner with two Ns?” I told her not to worry, I still had to put in a prescription of my own and I’d call later.

Where do the Ns go? I wonder. Tnurner? Turnner? Turnern?

Was she a pharmacy tech? Is she filling bottles of pills?

I offer this scary thought, for readers who call Walgreens and somehow find themselves in the Twilight Zone.

Zombie phrase for the day: How do I spell my name?

Owwwdddduhhhh ayhhhh beehhhhbuhhh daybbbuhh?

For Sheriarty Fans

Slow disaster created something fun, linked below.

At this point, being an aging crone, I’ll violate a cardinal precept of fandom and question a choice of favorites:  Why do people always want to make life tough? Are you Sherlock? Find John Watson. Find someone who will appreciate you for you, who will bring you toast and tea.  But this world seems to be full of Sherlocks looking for their Moriarties.

Zombie phrase for the day: I want drama in my relationships.

Ahhhhvvahhhnddd aahhhhbaahh di buyyy aaayduhhhihhh.

Biojar admin: To each their own, I guess. As the years go by, I am becoming a tea and toast girl. But I thought this vid nailed it.

Glasses Gone Bad

I look out the window at the white, wooden board sitting on the sidewalk outside LePeep Restaurant. In black print, I see specials and blurs that must be prices. I squint. I change angles. I move my multifocal glasses.  I am stopped at a light directly across from that board. Instantly, I realize a large, new problem exists.  I can’t even guess at these prices.

“Albert,” I say, “my glasses have gone bad. I can’t see the prices.”

He laughs.

I point out that glass is considered a liquid due to the fact that its molecules slowly descend over time. Obviously the glass has been running downhill.

Albert appears to doubt my explanation.

Being a rational person, I discount the possibility that LePeep deliberately smeared out all of its prices.

Trouble. I fear I will have to see Dr. Beckerman again. Once glasses have gone bad, only a new pair will fix the problem.

Yrs from the blue room where we see things differently.

Image result for free emoticon images glasses

Funny-Shaped People Wielding Measuring Tapes

I tried to determine where my “waist” might be located this morning.  Ominous sources tell us that we are doomed to suffer an early demise if our waist runs over thirty-six inches. * Alas, one more peril to manage. I decided to do a threat assessment.

But where is my waist?

Some sources put this invisible line at belly-button level, a distorted vesica piscis horizontal to the Earth, bisecting the belly-button. But expert opinion varies! Other sources suggest the true waist to be an arbitrary inch above that belly-button. The functional definition requires a woman to bend sideways. The natural fold-line that results becomes the height of the waist. But I am so pear-shaped. Whether I like them or not, I have big hips and I cannot lie. So that fold comes up near my ribcage. Ummm… that seems a little high. Of course, the fold is lower if I bend toward the other direction.

Since the difference in waist measurement between the belly button and lower fold is about four inches, my choice of waistline matters. I decide to go higher where the measuring tape comes in lower. I am fine and getting better as I head toward my ribs.

But this just reminds me of all the silly numbers out there.  Not to mention how one can squander minutes on the internet trying to nail down questions of alleged “fact.” Forget fake news for a minute. Even real news cannot be trusted, not when educated personal trainers can all start their own websites.

My wisdom for the day: Always go with the number you like best.  I guess we can make this the zombie phrase for the day as well.

Zombie Phrase for the Day:  Ahhhhzzzz guhhhhddd uuuhhmbuhhh oooohhh aygghhh ehdd.

*The number may be different for guys. Men will have to do their own research, although if you actually read this post you may justifiably decide not to bother.


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