A Retrospective Post that Captures 2016 and the FACT I Never Learn :-)

Retrospective from 2016 as We Near Yet Another Capricon: The Search for Bob Kearny

It’s a windy, cold February day, expected to hit zero degrees by morning. Shasta and Mommy are staying at the Westin in Wheeling for another Capricon, a favorite sci fic con that mommy attends each year. Mommy has put on her soft, gray owl shirt. The owl looks fried, a possible illustration for a Hunter S. Thompson novel. Mommy looks about as tired and fried as the owl. She is getting jobs. She added Lincolnshire #103. She expects to add Grayslake #46 next week. Wheeling #WhateverTF long-term Spanish may have gotten away, though. Mommy hit send on the app and then failed to pick up a call from Principal Bob Kearny of Cooper Middle School, not finding its traces on the landline for a couple of days. Kearny has not returned two calls. Wheeling may have escaped.

Shasta is wearing a shiny red spandex outfit, skin tight around her slug’s body. Shasta is an invisible slug, about as large as a medium-sized dog. She has abandoned the usual top hat in favor of a long-haired, purple wig, held on by a copper-colored pair of steampunk goggles covered with wheels and gears. She is resting on a simple, black velvet flying carpet, about five feet off the floor, in the space between the two double beds in the Westin Hotel room. Shasta wonders what mommy is doing.

Shasta: Why do we want Bob Kearny to talk to us mommy?

Mommy: The suburb is right next door. I hear it pays well, too.

Shasta: Do you even like subbing?

Mommy: I don’t know. Maybe I will when I actually get around to it. As far as I can tell, I mostly hunt for jobs for no pay yet. My job is to do job interviews. Just like I write a top-secret blog with 13,500 users that makes no money whatsoever. I seem to have a real knack for not making money.  

Shasta: Well, who needs money?

Mommy: It’s good to be a giant, invisible, young slug. I’d like that uncomplicated life. I don’t want to interfere with the purity of your vision, but money is kind of useful. You want a great mystery? I have a graduate degree in marketing from a school that is among the best in the country. I know I could market. Hell, I once wrote an article for Home Office Computing Magazine that made a small, software company’s year. I could market. But I don’t.

Chekhov is about to be captured. Oops. Now he is about to have a seemingly catastrophic fall.

Shasta: It’s that “kind of useful” mommy. If you went for money, you would get money, whether you or the owl are fried or not. But I am worried about this subbing thing.

Mommy: It seems like a natural move. I qualify. I like the idea of being able to work or not work whenever I want. Once I find the right classrooms, the job might even be fun.

 Shasta: Don’t think too hard. That’s what I always say. But this may be one of those pigs-have-wings things. We have to do some thinking on this one, mommy, we do. This might be a thinking type thing. This might even be a hell-no-I-won’t-go.  Just because the path goes ever onward, doesn’t mean we have to stay on the path. In fact, that “ever onward” might be a great reason to get off the path. Right now.  

How about that Starbucks? You could get a green apron! I’d rather have a green apron than a badge that opens school security doors. I’d like to hit those security doors with a blaster. And I’d rather have a free pound of coffee every week than an extra couple hundred of dollars after four weeks of hell.

Mommy: You need to have a more positive attitude!

Shasta: No, I don’t. Everybody talks about positive freaking attitudes. Everybody talks about gratitude. And gratitude journals. And how great Mr. Spock is. But that doesn’t mean they are right.

Mommy: They are about Mr. Spock, although I am not sure everyone is talking about him. Not even here, and we may have a biased sample. This is a science fiction convention.

Shasta: I sure hope they save those humpback whales. But you get what I mean. Yes, be positive. Be grateful. But don’t let that control your life. Too much positive and you keep on that forever path. You stay when you ought to go. 

Mommy: Too true.

Shasta: That Kearney guy should be an object lesson. Did he make you feel good? No, he did not. I say, make lattes, not war.

What are we doing today anyway?

Mommy (laughs): Yeah, enough deep thought. At 11:30, I want to go to the panel on antibiotics. I need a shower, first. Then the usual: art show, panels, dealers room, con suite. There’s a Star Wars panel. And that Klingon girl is giving a concert. We are going to have linner at Spears, the place with the good crab cakes, pretzels and brussels sprouts.

(Later that day after the art auction.)

Shasta: So did we decide anything?

Mommy: Nope. We’ll have three districts soon. We’ll give that a shot. I think we should do the districts near us, too. Then we’ll be done.  If it doesn’t work, Shasta, I think we could try to sell art. People do. We’re just killing time anyway. Were you listening to that stuff about the Great Filter? Fascinating.

Shasta: He said we are first, we are rare or we are gaf*cked.

Mommy: Hope for rare. The odds that we are the first intelligent civilization ever are lower than infinitesimally low. I mean, seriously, how old is the universe? All those stars with all those planets, and we are first. That would be winning the Powerball of Powerballs. Which leaves rare or gaf*cked. I’ll go with rare although I think the zombies are coming from somewhere.

Shasta: (Squeaks, alarmed. She whirls the black, velvet carpet around, peering in all directions.) What zombies? Where mommy? Quick, get on the carpet!

Mommy: (Smiles.) No, silly, the hypothetical zombies. The Walking Dead. Feed by Myra Grant. Twenty-eight days. The many, many children of George Romero. The Morning, Night, Day and Mid-Afternoon of the Living Dead. Why do we crave white walkers? On some level, maybe we are preparing ourselves for the Great Filter. I wonder if Wikipedia has the Great Filter. (Mommy goes to look.)

Readers: Never heard of the Great Filter? Look it up on a day when you feel like contemplating Big Ideas that Don’t End Well.

Slipped Away from Me — Again

This post should maybe be titled ADHD life.

Oops. I realized yesterday that some of my emails had mattered. But between my aching feet (getting better), lack of sleep (sigh), missing items (Albert had borrowed the stupid charge card), ADHD (a win — Starbucks gave me a free coffee card to reward me for being so drifty that I drove off with a wrong-size, wrong-kind beverage AND gave me my original coffee when I returned, letting me keep the grande latte I had mistakenly stuck in my cup holder) and just falling behind — a neat trick when one has almost no responsibilities — well, the whole thing got out of control. Like the previous sentence.

Sometimes the center does not hold. Still, yesterday needs a quick autopsy. How did those vital mails slip away? A major factor was my blasé attitude. Mail? What mail? I did not fail to put dates in my Google calendar. I never uncovered those dates. And what about the double charge on the  charge card bill? I ought to have looked at that bill sooner, before the spouse paid the bill.

First you have to care. Mail and calendar have to happen. Charges should be scanned at least.

Anyone else out there sometimes have similar problems? My solution was to put an item in my google calendar. On Fridays, the mail gets one hour. Allocating specific times to boring tasks can help.

All of this assumes I look at my phone, of course. I could put an entry in the calendar, “Look at Google calendar.” Would this work? When you have to look at the calendar to be told to look at the calendar, you have a problem. I could write “look at the Google calendar” on the Dr. Who calendar hanging on my desk. Calendar after calendar, I could refer myself to other calendars.

Maybe I’ll just go bake cookies instead — and try to remember to go through my mail on Friday.  The human brain  can take over when calendars fail. I’m pretty sure brains can do everything calendars do and then some, at least on a good day.


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