Zombie Phrase for the Day

Brains taste better with salsa. Cilantro is a big help. Brayyhnzz dayhhzz behddahiidd zahlzah..Zihhlluhndrahzza bihhgelbb.  In later stages of zombiefication, the “b” will disappear, possibly replaced with a “d” or often simply omitted. Aside from the need for lips that may not be present, the “b” sound requires a fair amount of muscle control. 

Idle Speculation

So the zombie apocalypse has captured the hearts and minds of many of us throughout the world. The usual explanations include ideas such as our desire to show that we are up to the ultimate challenge, able to escape this fearsome threat. That fits with the reality TV of our time. Alternative explanations:1) We desperately… Read More

Election Day

The ultimate test of the ability to function under pressure will be the zombie apocalypse. Do you think either of those guys is up to the challenge? I don’t. They’re both a bit too prone to the interpretive dance. Mitt and Barack will be gathering intelligence and interpreting the facts while Cleveland is turning into… Read More


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