Exploring Honey

Turnerdom began a quest awhile back. Sunset Grocery had put a premium honey brand on sale right after the clover honey spluttered its last farewell into a teacup. So buckwheat honey gained entrance to the tea cabinet. This led to the startling discovery that some honeys don’t taste remotely like the clover honey of my youth.

Buckwheat honey was fortunately delicious. I will warn readers to watch out for chestnut honey. I actually returned that jar.

What I like about the honey quest:

  1. It’s relatively cheap. How fast do we crank through a jar or bottle of honey? For the cost of two lattes, I can get a month of deliciousness. My-Husband-Albert-Who-Sucks-at-Dieting interferes when he pours himself straight teaspoons of honey, but mostly the honey stays around for awhile.
  2. Good in tea, cocoa, yogurt and many other foods. Honey works in lattes, too, although my palate does not find the coffee/honey combination tasty without a fair amount of milk in play.
  3. Depending on use patterns, a person could cut down on sugar or sugar substitutes.
  4. A quick treat that satisfies the sugar craving.  Honey can take the place of that piece of cheesecake. Of course, this benefit only holds if a person doesn’t start drawing lines of honey on top of the cheesecake.

Readers, when you get to SueBee section of the grocery store, why not change the cart up a bit? No offense intended to SueBee. I’ve enjoyed many bottles. But Wonder Flavor might be just a few feet away from that good old squeeze bottle. Buckwheat’s a good launch point.

Biographyjar suggestion for the day: Change the cart up a bit!



About Jocelyn the Plaid

Seasoned. Jaded. A fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, the Marvel universe, and science fiction and fantasy generally. Zombies anyone? This blog contains bits of my history, thoughts and inspirations that struck me along the way, and zombie preparedness, along with zombie phrases for the day. Lots of random musing.

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