Favorite family places


The slip from the jar asks a disquieting question: What is a favorite family place to go with your spouse and kids? This question ought to be a no-brainer. When I was a kid, the answer for my parents would have been camping at the Pacific Ocean.  We pitched our tent regularly and those cold ocean beaches remain my favorite places on the planet.

My family cannot provide a clean answer. Albert seldom ventures out of his man cave and favors museums. Albert, Sam and I have enjoyed multiple trips to the Art Institute of Chicago, for example, dragging poor Abby along most of the time. Abby does not like museums much, especially those filled with two-dimensional art. She has more tolerance for science and industry, natural science and modern art/sculpture, but if we gave up museums altogether, I doubt she’d mourn their passing.  Sam and I enjoy European churches. Abby likes them about as much as she likes museums, maybe less.


When the children were young, they attended many science fiction conventions with me. Sam went to Windycon because it was across from Woodfield mall, I think. Abby got dragged along. She sometimes seemed to be enjoying herself, but a desire to learn Klingon has never manifested itself.


The girls and I like festivals. We have seen numerous strawberry, chocolate and apple festivals in Long Grove. We eat, shop and wander. They used to ride the ponies. We have been to the Renaissance Faire annually for many of our years.  Will we make it this year? Maybe not. Abby has begun putting her foot down. She will not go if the temperature runs much above the low seventies. Outdoor heat wipes her out.

The girls and I love visiting grandparents and many, many miles have been logged between O’Hare and SeaTac airports. Albert has not gone for years, though. The clutter upsets his OCD nature and parent houses are about 2 for 10 on the accessibility scale. Still, for the three girls in the family, trips to the Tacoma waterfront, to Mineral Lake, to Mount Rainier and Seattle probably rank as the family favorites.IMG_0535

So we’re a bit dysfunctional here. Sam and I enjoy travel to far places. The train shot at the top of this  post shows a German countryside out the window. Abby does not share our enthusiasm, but has seen Korea and some parts of Europe in spite of herself. We fragment our activities into threesomes, twosomes and an occasional foursome for dinner. Everybody loves food. We all like to go to Kiki’s Bistro or Miller’s Pub in Chicago. The other semi-regular, foursome activities are family dinner and watching British mysteries in the front room after dinner.

Readers: Are you writing your journal yet? This topic might be a great place to start.



About Jocelyn the Plaid

Seasoned. Jaded. A fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, the Marvel universe, and science fiction and fantasy generally. Zombies anyone? This blog contains bits of my history, thoughts and inspirations that struck me along the way, and zombie preparedness, along with zombie phrases for the day. Lots of random musing.

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