Pull Out the Dice

Do readers remember the dice system of getting dressed?

Here is a simpler system for summer. Let’s say 1 -2 means wear a summer dress, 3-4 means wear shorts and a top, and 5-6 stands for a skirt and top. So roll one dice and pick your category. I just rolled a “one.” Perfect. The temperature’s moving into the high seventies and a loose, sleeveless dress will be entirely suitable.

Now I roll two dice together (or a spiffy gaming die with a high enough total to cover all my dresses) to pick my outfit for the day. I roll a three. I count my way to this long, black dress with a pattern of blue… leaves? Flowers? Maybe these are abstract pussy willows? Whatever. I have found my outfit.

(I think I should find the black Birkenstocks.)

If you can’t find the dice, I know a workaround: “Hey Siri, pick a number between 1 and (whatever).” Siri understands random number generation, and he or she will be happy to help you. I am sure other digital assistants get the idea too.

Why I suggest bothering with this new system: COVID casual has become the order of the day. Many of us are living entirely in our Gap comfy clothes. I don’t see any reason why we cannot follow our soft cotton muse, especially if we are sheltering at home, but part of reopening might include reentering neglected drawers and closets.

I suspect the world may seem less daunting if we dress up a bit. Or just dress differently.

Zombie phrase for the day: It’s best to die with your shoes on. Ihhhhzzz behhhddd ayyyy wiihhhhddd uhhhr doooood ahhh.

About Jocelyn the Plaid

Seasoned. Jaded. A fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, the Marvel universe, and science fiction and fantasy generally. Zombies anyone? This blog contains bits of my history, thoughts and inspirations that struck me along the way, and zombie preparedness, along with zombie phrases for the day. Lots of random musing.

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