Checking Spam

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From one of Monty Python’s best songs:

“Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!
Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam


Lovely Spam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spam! (Lovely Spam!)”

But this post is not about that Spam, although if you want to scramble a few chunks of mystery meat into your eggs, why not? I suggest you buy the reduced sodium version. One two-ounce portion of the classic meets about 1/3 of your daily sodium needs according to How lucky we are to live in a time when doing Spam research is so effortless.

But this post is about your mail. There’s that spam folder, along with unread, starred, sent, drafts, archive, trash, etc. Maybe you have created a few extra folders, maybe even a long column of them.

Here’s your question of the day: Do you ever look in any of those folders? As we COVID shelter or at least slow down, you might want to look at the saved mail, the ancient mail, and the drafts you’ve forgotten. Do any of you “star” mail? I have enough trouble keeping up with reading it. This might be a great day for deletions.

Here is a suggestion for today: Try to work in regular visits to spam. Yes, spam is obnoxious. I don’t want to know the porn star’s secret and I don’t need a fungus eliminator. I would never take Keto or anybody else’s unsolicited advice on weight loss. As to Buy Gold 2Day, Rock Hard and “Feminist HATE this Penis Trick,” well, I am so not their target market. Due to my fear of opening dubious communiques from the internet, I’ll never know what that feminist hates, but I can live without that knowledge.

However, I found a few pieces of useful mail in that spam folder recently. Friends can get folded into those sales pitches. I caution readers to be careful. Spam does have a knack for identifying fake emails from hacked friends — you don’t want to open anything just because you see a familiar name. But don’t ignore spam entirely.

Free Not-A-Life Coach Advice: Write on your calendar somewhere near the start of the month, “check spam folder.” It doesn’t take much time to look for misclassified mail. I would delete unwanted email at that time.

Zombie quote for the day: If only Google understood me.

Ihhhvvv ohhhdee ooohhhgooo uhhdahhhdoood beee.

About Jocelyn the Plaid

Seasoned. Jaded. A fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, the Marvel universe, and science fiction and fantasy generally. Zombies anyone? This blog contains bits of my history, thoughts and inspirations that struck me along the way, and zombie preparedness, along with zombie phrases for the day. Lots of random musing.

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