Why Zombies?

Why zombies? That’s really the question. When we start inserting zombies into Pride and Prejudice, we have inserted zombies into territory usually reserved for romantics. We believe erudite readers of classic literature will spend $$$ on Darcy’s Adventures in the Land of the Undead.

How did the walking dead sweep the land?

Another question worth pondering: Given that almost everybody dies in almost all zombie movies, why have we embraced the genre? OK, so not all films have to be happily ever after, but how many people should we chew up before we grab the popcorn and turn on Dr. Who instead?

About Jocelyn the Plaid

Seasoned. Jaded. A fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, the Marvel universe, and science fiction and fantasy generally. Zombies anyone? This blog contains bits of my history, thoughts and inspirations that struck me along the way, and zombie preparedness, along with zombie phrases for the day. Lots of random musing.

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