How are we to know?

I am waiting for the picture of something that might once have been a potato. Or might have been something else. How do we tell the enemy from a strange, hairy guy on the street? How do we know if the horrific smell from the cupboard is a potato, maybe a potato infested by mystery microbes, but still at the heart of things a potato? When does a potato cease to be a potato? When it ceases to be edible? When it ceases to resemble a potato? Does it remain a potato even when it has become unrecognizable by any of the standard potato tests?

While we are attacking the big questions, we need to think about this one: At what point does a man cease to be man and become a zombie instead? Clearly, we are expecting some sort of transitional phase in the zombification process. How will we know when that phase has ended? Most men are far more complex than potatoes and an edibility test will never fully meet our needs.

What kind of test should we devise?

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