Zombie Defense Scheme 2

Zombies eat brains. O.K., but we need to ask ourselves another question: What don’t zombies eat? What CAN’T zombies eat? Onions are bad for dogs. This might naturally lead us to a related question: How much onion does it take to poison a zombie?

This could be lots of fun. The idea is to force feed onions to a zombie until we learn the approximate fatal dosage, preferably in grams per kilogram . For our experiment, we will need a number of zombies and a few truly crazed volunteers. We might also need an engineer. I believe we’ll want to create tools so that we can do our force feeding from a distance.

We need multiple zombies because I don’t want to see any schlock science here. Our results need to be repeated before we go public. No half-baked schemes! (Although sauteing the onions is a perfectly viable option.)

After we’re done with onions, we can start on other fruits, vegetables and random canned goods.

4 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Not so easy to comment here. You have to prove you're not a zombie or maybe a robot by typing hard to decipher numbers and letter in a little box. Blogger needs to make the comment function easier to use.

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