Zombie? Apologies if you’re too young to know this icon! You missed a great one.

Notice the blankness in Steve’s eyes. More importantly, was there ever a period in history when this outfit might have passed for normal wearing apparel? Did Jack Lord pick this outfit? Or was someone else trying to provide us with a clue?

And speaking of clues, old 5-0 fans should check out the following:


Excellent quote by Abigail after viewing this link: “He was lucky. Immortalized by low-resolution cameras.” Too true. Pancake make-up and HD are not friends.

Hope springs eternal


From yahoo.com

The zombie romance novel cannot be far behind. I wish them all the happiness they can squeeze out of this life.

Seriously, at least she’s not 23. The fellow may be as smart as his fortune indicates and maybe she’s smart enough to understand that current culture gives way too many cute points and not nearly enough smart points.

Then we read Kim and Kanye’s lamentations about how somehow — amazing! — it all went wrong. I give these two way better odds than Kim and Kanye.

Why Zombies?

Why zombies? That’s really the question. When we start inserting zombies into Pride and Prejudice, we have inserted zombies into territory usually reserved for romantics. We believe erudite readers of classic literature will spend $$$ on Darcy’s Adventures in the Land of the Undead.

How did the walking dead sweep the land?

Another question worth pondering: Given that almost everybody dies in almost all zombie movies, why have we embraced the genre? OK, so not all films have to be happily ever after, but how many people should we chew up before we grab the popcorn and turn on Dr. Who instead?

Urban thug? Or Something More Sinister?


Notice the hat and shades, the apparently misshapen legs. Poor fashion sense? Or the need to hide scabs and an oozing scalp?

Apparently this “man” believes he is dressed to go out in public, too. Poor fashion sense? Or obvious brain damage? The fact that he can barely walk in those pants provides an excellent cover for the trademark of the zombie — the AIMLESS SHUFFLE.

Avoid anyone who dresses like this.

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